
5066 inlägg · 374 ämnen

Inlägg #397490

Sv: Monacos GP
Salle: Ett första utspel av en förargad Alonso:

“I tried to overtake him and when we were side-by-side he went back on the throttle again and pushed me into the barrier. I think I am right to be very angry. I hope they investigate the accident and that they take his licence away for three or four races.

To race with people like this is always difficult. It happened with Takuma [Sato] and Ralf in Bahrain, it happened with me and Ralf in Imola and now it happens here again. We risk our lives on circuits like this and it is difficult to race with people like Ralf. As I've said, it's not the first time with him and it won't be the last…” [Autosport]

Som jag sa, han gillar inte Ralfs körstil precis. Vi får väl se om Ralf tappar sin licens som Alonso vill eller inte. Han har redan fått en tillsägelse av FIA, ifall han får en till nu och de bedömmer det som allvarligt är det inte omöjligt. Jag är skeptisk dock.